Appalachia Meets World
Will and Neil are two brothers born and raised in the coal fields of central Appalachia. A podcast about place and perspective, they talk about life in Appalachia and venture outside the region to better understand the negative perceptions of Appalachia and find out how their culture truly compares to the rest of the World.

Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
In this episode, Neil and Will sit down with a Doctor and some Future Doctors to discuss Mental Health Care training and focusing on access in Appalachia. Dr. Lisa Curtin director of the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology at Appalachian State, a program dedicated to increase mental health care access in rural areas of Appalachia. With a full house, the guys talk with Dr. Curtin and the 2020 Third Year Cohort of students: Kelly Davis; Kim Holt; Esther Killius; Shayla Moniz; Shraddha Selani; and Maggie Witherspoon-Johnson. These Appalachian change makers specifically sought out this program to make a difference in rural and underserved communities. Take a listen as they discuss the stigma of mental health and the importance of increasing access to services in rural areas. You might even hear Will throw out a Megan Thee Stallion reference -for the kids...but also totally get Megan Thee Stallion mixed up with Cardi B -- twwwrrrppp! Also, don't forget the #AppBiz of the Week: Father Bernard's Blessed Biscuits!
Appalachian State Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology:
2020 Doctoral Student Bio's:
Father Bernard's Blessed Biscuits:
Appalachian Big Idea's Festival:
Appalachian Social Enterprise Summit:
ARC Chart Book:

Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
After the cameras have gone, the relief efforts are not forgotten. In this episode, Neil and Will sit down with Claire Balsley the Director of Disaster Assistance Programs with SBP (originally "St. Bernard's Parish"). Claire talks about SBP's efforts in Eastern Kentucky after the disastrous flooding and how they are trying to dispel some of the misconceptions in order to shrink the time between disaster and recovery. As someone who calls the whole world "home", she describes one of the most beautiful places (both landscape and people) she has ever been - hint, it starts with an "A" and ends in "ppalachia!" Take a listen as she dives into the FEMA process and gives some invaluable advice to anyone going through the recovery process of a recent disaster - both individuals and organizations. You might even hear what shocks Neil the most and what festival is being highlighted for Hispanic Heritage Month - during "festival season" in Appalachia! Also, don't forget the #AppBiz of the week: Housing Development Alliance (HDA)!
EKY Regional Recovery Acceleration Week (Oct 4th - Oct 7th):
Housing Development Alliance:
Foundation for Appalachia Kentucky:
Homes Inc.:
The World Chicken Festival:
Healing Appalachia:
Many Mountains Fall Festival:

Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
In this episode Neil and Will sit down with proud Appalachian and fellow Eastern Kentuckian Stacie Fugate. With a focus on the flood relief efforts, they discuss her work with InVision Hazard and the Foundation for Appalachia Kentucky. Take a listen as Stacie describes her love for cornbread and milk and gives her personal recollection of the floods that ravaged the region. Through the conversation, she explains the tireless efforts the Foundation and countless others are contributing towards the relief and rebuild of the area. As typical Appalachians, when the going got tough they put on their boots and got to work. You might even hear Neil talk about an interesting idea for his chickens and the #FamilyFlock! Also, don't forget about the #AppBiz of the week the Isom IGA!
The Foundation for Appalachia Kentucky:
The Foundation Flood Relief Updates:
The Appalachian Big Ideas Festival:
Healing Appalachia:
The World Chicken Festival:
#AppBiz - Isom IGA (Go Fund Me):

Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
In this episode Neil and Will sit down with singer songwriter Corduroy Brown to discuss, among other things, his music and his mental health advocacy. Through his music and his platform, Corduroy works to break the stigma often associated with mental health. Take a listen as he describes his struggles and how he has overcome them, as well as his COVID don't want to miss that one, seriously! You'll also hear his music throughout the episode...and as he describes, his lives shows are even better - so, check him out. You might even hear Neil give an update on his chickens...we know you've been waiting for that! Also, don't forget the #AppBiz of the week: Appalachian Community Services!
Corduroy Brown:
Music (played during episode):
-"Medicine" (Corduroy Brown)
-"To My Younger Self" (Corduroy Brown)
-"Secret War" (Corduroy Brown ft Arlo McKinley)
-"Leave It To Me" (Corduroy Brown ft The Dead Frets)
-"Better On The Ground" (Corduroy Brown ft Jeffrey McClelland)
9th Street Diner (Huntington, WV):
Mountain Grown (Curren Sheldon/100 Days in Appalachia):
Indigenous Appalachia Exhibit (WVU Art in the Libraries):
"Y'all Don't Hear Me: The Black Appalachia" (East Tennessee State University):
Appalachian Regional Commission - Ready Non-Profits:
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Affordable Connectivity Program:
Healing Appalachia:
Kentucky Food Truck Championship (at Renfro Valley):
Appalachian Community Services:

Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
In this episode Neil and Will sit down with Dr. Rob Bossarte an expert in the area of mental health and leader of the Appalachian Mind Health Initiative (AMHI). With much higher rates of depression and suicide in the Appalachian Region and lower access to services, AMHI is an ongoing research study of telemental health services in Appalachia. Take a listen as Dr. Bossarte discusses the importance of his research as it relates to healthcare access in rural areas as well as mental health wellness and how it is impacted by the Appalachian culture. You might even hear Neil and Will talk "resiliency" and Neil express his cinematic expertise on Appalachian Film. Also, don't forget about the #AppBiz of the week: Sweetgrass Granola!
Appalachian Mind Health Initiative:
Appalachian Mind Health Initiative Phone Number: 1-866-984-AMHI (2644)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255);
Mental Health Services Locator:
SOAR Mental Health Services:
Appalshop Flood Resources (Updated):
SOAR Flood Resources (Updated):
Appalachian Film Series (Ohio University):
Sweetgrass Granola:

Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
It's Week Zero in Appalachia! In this episode, Neil and Will kick off the start of college football with Freddie Maggard - sports journalist, Kentucky legend and Appalachian through and through. Freddie talks growing up in the "606" and how football takes on a life of its own in the mountains. Hear his take on the upcoming season and his pride for Appalachia, its people and the place he calls "home." Take a listen and you might even get the answer to the age old question - Matt, Drew, Ryan or Shannon the Dude? Oh yeah, Neil also answers the question of the best condiment of all time - although it might take a little drive to get it. Check it out and don't forget the #AppBiz of the week: Brownwood Farms!
Kentucky Sports Radio:
Depth Chart Podcast:
EKY Mutual Aid (Flood Relief):
KSR Flood Relief:
Brownwood Farms:

Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
In this episode it's the start of Friday Night Lights in the Appalachia! Neil and Will sit down with Coach Justin Haddix, a fellow Appalachian and defending State Champ of the Boyle County Rebels. From the Mountains to the Flat Lands, Coach Haddix continues to cherish his mountain roots as they have shaped his life and career. Take a listen as they discuss the importance of high school extracurricular activities, specifically football, to community pride and overall support. There's more to it than just the sport, as is described in Coach Haddix's current teams efforts to support the flood ravaged area of his hometown. Neil and Will also get into the Coach's spat in the bluegrass and Neil makes claim for the "Applebee's" song to be called the "Wendy's" song instead. Check it out and don't forget about the #AppBiz of the week: Appalachian Apparel Company!
ARC Appalachian Road Show - Stop #3 Building Appalachian Businesses - Register:
SOAR Eastern KY Student Relief Fund:
Foundation for Appalachia KY Grants for Small Business, Non-Profits and Social Enterprises (Flood Relief):
The Appalachian Festival (Beckley/Raleigh, WV):
Appalachian Fair (Gray, TN):
Appalachian Apparel Company:

Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
In this follow up episode on the wine industry in Appalachia, Neil and Will visit the folks of Kent State University of Ashtabula. Lori Lee and Ed Trebets of the Viticulture (growing of grapes) and Enology (wine making) programs discuss growing an industry in Appalachia Ohio. Take a listen as they talk about the importance of their programs for economic growth in the region and how Appalachian wine makers are winning awards on a national level. As discussed last week, an industry synonymous with California, regional wine makers in Appalachia Ohio are breaking that mold and proving their significance. Some regional recommendations may also be part of the episode. Or, who knows, you might even stumble upon a lost safe - go figure. Also, don't forget about the #AppBiz of the week dedicated to the Flood Relief in Eastern Kentucky.
Kent State University Ashtabula Viticulture and Enology Programs:
Team Eastern Kentucky Flood Relief Fund:
Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky Flood Relief Resources:
Appalshop Flood Support Resources:
Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR) Flood Relief Resources:
Kentucky Sports Radio (KSR) and the Kentucky Chamber Flood Relief:
The Mountain Association Flood Relief Resources:

Sometimes it takes leaving a place to truly understand how special that place is. It's like it's magic, there's something about the mountains that tend to draw you back in. No matter where you roam or how far away you get, remember to remain "Always Appalachian."