Appalachia Meets World
Will and Neil are two brothers born and raised in the coal fields of central Appalachia. A podcast about place and perspective, they talk about life in Appalachia and venture outside the region to better understand the negative perceptions of Appalachia and find out how their culture truly compares to the rest of the World.

Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
In this episode, Will (and unfortunately not Neil) sits down with Dr. Kathy Bullock, a Professor Emerita of Berea College where she focused on African American Music and Music Theory. Dr. Bullock explains the musical connections of African American Music and traditional Appalachian Music she came to better understand while she taught in the Appalachian region. As the Appalachian region can be complex, Dr. Bullock shares her experience moving to the region and her deep sentiments for Berea and the region she has made a home in. Take a listen as she describes how musical connections occurred throughout the region and how our interpretations of the sound and movements are not all that different. You might also hear Dr. Bullock's own voice throughout the episode. Also, don't forget the #AppBiz of the week: John C. Campbell Folk School!
Dr. Kathy Bullock -
Dr. Bullock's Album: "From My Heart to Yours" (BandCamp) -
Phillip Bullock -
Opioid Settlement Made Public -,in%20settlements%20from%20national%20lawsuits
Healing Appalachia Lineup -
Appalachian Oldest Town to Visit -
John C. Campbell Folk School -

Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
In this episode Neil and Will sit down with a Rural "Evangelist" and policy expert Tony Pipa of the Brookings Institution, to discuss rural policy - or the lack thereof. Among his many hats, Tony also hosts the podcast "Reimagine Rural" - exploring how investment in rural people and places can lead to increased prosperity. Take a listen as Tony speaks on the often congested (and confusing) federal programs and why we need federal policy when it comes to the rural landscape. Rural America has often been overlooked or just flat out forgotten when decisions are being made - Tony's argues it's way past due for the rural voice to have a seat at the table when policy decisions are being discussed and made. You might even hear why a certain type of deli meat (if you can call it that) reminds Tony so much of "home." Also, don't forget the #AppBiz of the week: The Heritage!
Tony Pipa (Brookings) -
Reimagine Rural (Podcast) -
App News:
ARC Chart Book -
Nick Saban's Appalachian Roots (article) -
Eradicating Rural Poverty: The Power of Collaboration -
Rural to Rural Partnerships: Leveling the Playing Field to Secure Federal Funding -
The Heritage -

Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
In this episode Neil and Will sit down with Kim Davis, the executive director of "Friends of Southwest Virginia" - a regional organization positioned to develop and coordinate the creative economy in Southwest Virginia (SWVA). It uniquely works to not only drive tourism in the region, but to also combine infrastructure and economic development within its mission. While the "Birthplace of Country Music" can seemingly sell itself, take a listen as Kim describes how they utilize the bigger draws to make a sustainable impact on smaller communities throughout the region. SWVA - the Appalachian part of Virginia has so much to offer, you need to hear for yourself what that is and what you can expect to see if you hike Grayson Highlands State Park - it might be "wild" and it might have something to do with "ponies." Kim also explains the "why" of what she does and how her passion for the region has been a part of her whole life. You might also hear Will and Neil's experience (or lack thereof) with the "Moonbow" and Neil's version of the "Appalachian Finger." Also, don't forget about the #AppBiz of the week: Peking Chinese Restaurant!
Friends of Southwest Virginia -
SWVA Cultural Center -
SWVA Marketplace ('Round the Mountain') -
App News:
Accelerate West Virginia -
Accelerate West Virginia 2023 Communities -
Appalachian Fair -
PBS Appalachia Virginia -
Peking Chinese Restaurant -

Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
In this episode, Neil and Will sit down with the "Hillbilly Astrophysicist" - Dr. Jeff Bary - a professor at Colgate University and proud Appalachian born and raised in Welch, WV. As an astronomer, Dr. Bary is working to reclaim our connection to the night sky and preserving its darkness for future generations. As an Appalachian, he is working to develop a community interested in the night sky with a specific focus on Appalachia. More specifically, how the night sky plays a fundamental role and impacts one's "sense of place." Take a listen as he describes what a dark sky is and the importance of reducing light pollution and preserving the darkness of the sky for everyone. While economic development is often thought of as growth, dark skies are a unique tourism attraction that focuses on the lack of growth rather than the need for development. You might even hear Neil's feelings on Chestnuts when he was little and how Surfing, Asian Cuisine and Coal Mining are all related (it might surprise you). Also, don't forget about the #AppBiz of the week: Sticky Rice Cafe!
Dr. Jeff Bary -
Dark Sky Preservation (Dr. Bary's new work) Website -
The Hillbilly Astrophysicist -
Spotify "Core Appalachia" Playlist -
App News:
Opportunity Appalachia Investor Convening -
Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition: National to Neighborhoods Catalyzing Opportunities in Coal Impacted Communities -
Invest Appalachia: Climate Resilience in Central Appalachia: Impacts and Opportunities -
USDA Regional Food Business Centers Program (Rural Action) -
"American Chestnut Could Return to Appalachia" -
Four Star Gazing Hot Spots in the Appalachian Mountains -
Sticky Rice Cafe (Knoxville, TN) -
Bon Appetit Story: Sticky Rice Cafe in East TN -

Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
In this episode Neil and Will sit down with author and thru-hiker Derick Lugo to discuss his journey along the Appalachian Trail (AT) as well as how the trail drives tourism for many small towns along the way. Since completing the AT eleven years ago, Derick's life path has changed from a city dweller who knew little about hiking to an outdoor evangelist. As a prolific storyteller, Derick speaks about some of his trail stories and what he feels his role is in helping to educate people about the trial, hiking and the outdoors in general. Take a listen as "Mr. Fabulous" (we'll let him explain) gives his perspective on the Appalachia region, both before and after his thru-hike, and how he identifies with the region as a whole. Though he may continue to hike many trails throughout his life, he'll never forget his "first love" - the AT! You might even hear how the "Tenman" and "Tonto" would do on the AT and how (or if) Neil would survive without a bathroom. Also, don't forget about the #AppBiz(s) of the week: Southern Threads Boutique; Damascus Outfitters; Appalachian Heritage Distillery; and the Damascus Brewery!
Derick Lugo -
"The Unlikely Thru-Hiker: An Appalachian Trail Journey" -
ARC Appalachian Leadership Institute -
Appalachian Sustainable Development (ASD) -
ASD Breaking News -
Trail Days -
Damascus, VA: "Trail Town USA" -
Southern Threads Boutique -
Damascus Outfitters -
Appalachian Heritage Distillery -
The Damascus Brewery -

Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Laurel Cove Music Festival June 9th and 10th!! In this episode, Neil and Will sit down with Jon Grace the Bell County Tourism Director and Organizer of the Laurel Cove Music Festival. In its 4th year, while the festival continues to grow it still keeps the small town family identify it has formed from the start. As festival season is off and running in Appalachia, hear how festivals serve as an opportunity to attract visitors and highlight the assets of the region. Take a listen as Jon describes his passion for the region and how this Music Festival just hits a little different - bringing in people from all over the country. As discussed in the episode, the 2023 lineup showcases local, region and even national talent in one of the most beautiful natural venues in all of the country (or at least that's what Will suggests - he may be a little biased) - "The Red Rocks of Appalachia." You'll also hear a sampling of music throughout the episode from performers that are part of the lineup this year! Also, don't forget about the #AppBiz of the week: Riverside Market and Grill!
Bell County Tourism -
Laurel Cove Music Festival -
Riverside Market and Grill -
Rural Partners Network -
ARC awards $500,000 at the Rural Partners Network meeting -
Rural Partners Network Forum in West Virginia -
Appalachian Festival -
Taste the Nation with Travis Melton: "Padma and the Beanstalk" -
36 hour Itinerary in Asheville, NC (New York Times) -
Hood Huggers International -
National Travel and Tourism Week -
Kentucky Mountain Laurel Festival -
Music on the episode (from Laurel Cove Music Festival Lineup):
The Local Honeys - "High on a Mountain"
49 Winchester - "Russell County Line"
The Red Clay Strays - "Good Godly Woman"
Cole Chaney - "Back to Kentucky"

Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
In this episode, Neil and Will sit down with Luke Glaser. As a Hazard, KY City Commissioner, Luke not only personally went through the recent devastating floods in Eastern Kentucky, he has been part of the process of recovery - something he and his colleagues have had to learn as they go. Hazard, KY in Perry County was one of the hardest hit areas when the flood came in late July. The devastation and initial recovery was a national news story for weeks. As those weeks have passed and the cameras are now gone, the recovery and need of support is only just beginning. Take a listen to hear Luke express what recovery efforts are still needed and in immediate demand in the area. In addition, as we celebrate "Teacher Appreciation Week", hear Luke's passion for his students as a high school teacher in Hazard. You might even hear about Neil's "Practical" luck and Will's recent journey to a special place in Appalachia. Also, don't forget about the #AppBiz(s) of the week: France's Diner and the Barter Theater!
Luke Glaser -
France's Diner -
The Barter Theatre -
App News:
Demon Copperfield by Barbara Kingsolver -
100 Days of Appalachia: "When the Water Goes Down" (documentary) -
Teacher Appreciation Week (National Education Association) -

Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
It's Derby Week! In this episode Neil and Will sit down with Keith Gabbard, CEO of the People's Rural Telephone Cooperative or PRTC in McKee, KY. It doesn't matter where you live, in this day and age everyone deserves an equal opportunity at broadband access. PRTC is delivering just that in one of the more rural and underserved areas in the country - in turn making Jackson County one of the most connected small communities in the nation. Putting "connectivity over profit" PRTC has become a best practice in how you can transform a community by being a "doer" and providing opportunity where there once was none. Take a listen as Keith describes what (and how) PRTC has done in this slice of Appalachia and how much it has benefited the residents in the place he has always called home. Keith believes what PRTC is doing is similar to the quote from his favorite PIRATE - " If you have a chance to accomplish something that will make things better for people coming behind you, and you don't do that, you are wasting your time on the Earth." You might even hear Neil and Will's picks for the Derby and how they unexpectedly celebrate Cinco de Mayo in the process. Also, don't forget the #App Biz(s) of the week: Paris Signs; and Annie's Flooring and Commercial Services - and find out why we are celebrating them on THIS WEEK!
People's Rural Telephone Cooperative -
Kentucky Derby (Official Site) -
Paris Signs -
Annie's Flooring and Commercial Cleaning Services -
National Small Business Week (and award winners) -
Appalachian News:
Rural Action Receives USDA Funding -
Rural Partners Network -
Rural Partners Network and Kentucky Highlands Investment Corporation Forum (Pineville, KY) -
Heritage Ohio and Buckeye Hills Regional Council Workshop (Downtown Revitalization) -

Sometimes it takes leaving a place to truly understand how special that place is. It's like it's magic, there's something about the mountains that tend to draw you back in. No matter where you roam or how far away you get, remember to remain "Always Appalachian."